Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Coming home

It seems that when you travel there are many things that are similar......and yet many that are not.

Relationships for instance are the same worldwide.  Couples argue about the dumbest things all over the world.  Take my cousins.  Apparently her hubby does little around the house.  A common theme throughout the globe, of that I am certain.  Then later.....she puts her foot down......clean up after yourself she says......only to be agrivated by the mess that still remains and she once again starts picking up the left over dishes, munchie bags, laundry, etc.

The weather.  Crap here....crap at home......I have been wearing the same ONE pair of long pants that I have packed.....enough said!

But the differences.........

Food.  Everything tastes better in Germany.  It even looks better.  Glorious pretzels for sale with lights beaming on them, beckoning you to have one with a "Milsch Kaffee".  Heaven!

Prices of things are outrageously cheap.  High quality too.  I am seriously considering selling my house (must first entertain the nothing with hubby THEN try to convince him of said notion) and moving over here.  Groceries that I can purchase in Canada sold here so much more cheaper that it longer holds any credence with me when people say I pay more for groceries due to transportation costs!  Hogwash!

And fashion.......Europeon people are so much more stylish than their Canadian counterparts.  I know why people point and laugh at then when they visit....they are jealous that they don't know how to look that good......or even care if they do.....I do!

I know that nowhere is perfect.  But for me, unfettered by responsibilites.......this place is.  :-)

For me, it's like coming home......


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