I am singing the Hallelujah chorus as I write this! Why so jubilant you ask? The man cold has come to visit my home. Now, if anyone who knows me is reading this, you would ask.....why so happy? I shall tell you.
The good Lord has been gracious enough to see to it that I will be away for the next 3 days during "the man cold's" visit! Can I hear an Amen! (said with a very southern black baptist twang)
Now, before you look down on me for being the unsympathetic wife, let me clarify. My man, when sick, is not the type of guy who retreats into a room, only to emerge 3 days later fully recovered. No! He is the type of guy to let the entire household know that he is sick, by having us participate in his illness via a public viewing. Public viewing you ask??
I will give you and example. One particular bad cold/flu season he emerged from downstairs and stated....."I think I am sick......can't breathe....have a code in my node". He went to the hall closet, fished out grannies lovingly made tuque, put on multiple layers of clothing, grabbed the tissue box, suitably medicated himself and proceeded to plunk himself in the living room recliner to "ride out the flu storm". In and out of drug induced comas he hacked, wheezed and snored his way to recovery. ALL within full viewing range.
Men and women are completely different. There is a reason we are the ones who give birth. Those who know me, know that I am not a sympathetic person when it comes to illnesses. I rarely get sick, have a high pain threshold (unless I get a broken arm during hockey season......a story for a later entry) and rarely take medication when I am ill. Meld that with a polar opposite husband and well......let's just say that this time, it's best that I am away for 3 days.
The man cold has come to town......and thankfully.....I am leaving it.
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