Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Maybe Elmer Fudd is my cousin

It seems that I may be related to Elmer Fudd.  Let me explain.

Last year I was introduced the the world of hunting.  I have always been a bit of a tomboy, being drawn to sports that traditionally attract the menfolk.  I was raised around guns and routinely went target shooting or trap shooting with my father.  Being that I was an only child, I became his sidekick at most shooting events.  I dare say I was pretty good at it. One area not privy to by my father, was the yearly hunting trip......nor truthfully, had I ever asked to go.

Recently I took my PAL course in the event that should dear old dad expire (no I am not trying to kill him off) I would legally be able to inherit his guns.  Following this course my best friend suggested we continue with the CORE course.  Truthfully, I was not at all interested in hunting, but she convinced me that this is something we must do.  I acquiesced and in the end was very happy to be able to aquire a hunting license. Fast forward to a short but very successful hunting season and I am now hooked! Thank you jfeldt for introducing me to a whole new world!

I actually don't know who I have become.  I think I may be every married hunting man's dream come true.  Never before has the hubby enjoyed so many "must have" toys that accompany this genre of outdoor activity.  I mean.....EVERYONE needs a bore sighter, don't they??

I am a bit worried though that I may have jinxed myself this year.  I enjoyed a successful season, without all the frills.  Decked out in long underwear under yoga pants, a plain blue shirt and a red jacket (you would think the deer had seen me for miles) I limited out without much problem.  Most likely beginners luck, it will be interesting to see if I will still be as successful when stealthily decked out in full camo. 

I love fashion, make up, high heels and apparently I now love camo.......only not as a fashion statement.

In my gene pool somewhere.......Elmer Fudd must be a cousin.


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