My dad is amazing! He can be very opinionated (surely where I get it from!) but it's always with love and concern for myself and my family. And he's is a funny guy.
My dad is the type of person in a crowd that draws the laughs. He is outgoing and has a great sense of humour, able to pull a punchline out of thin air when needed. He is also able to laugh at himself. This is an admirable trait as many people can dish it out, but they cannot take it. When something funny happens to him, he always says, "Remember this one for the funeral.....I want people to laugh"!
There was this time as a teenager when I reluctantly had to help dear old dad do some chores. I can't remember the exact details, but I do remember it required him to reach into the back of the truck canopy. In and out he went passing whatever it was to me, to be dutifully brought into the house. I do remember that it was morning and his PJ's were on. After a few trips, I got some crazy idea that I should "pants" dear old dad. The next reach in.....whip......those PJ's fly to his ankles, having no idea that he wasn't wearing underwear (I am still a bit scarred from that vision). Dad hits his head on the top of the canopy and then topples in forward so now he's kind of stuck there, balls to the breeze. I am in hysterics rolling around on the driveway.......the effect was more than I could have hoped for. Dad was not impressed. Some weeks later he was able to chuckle. Shortly after our neighbors directly across the street split up. To this day dad blames the "pantsing" incident saying that once his wife got a look at a real man, she just couldn't stay with her husband. LOL
The other thing that comes to mind is a recent camping trip we went on where dad brought a starter pistol to use as a bear banger on their walks. It was loud and it was effective and our dog did not like the noise of it. After supper one day the hubby and dad decide to take another stroll. The sun was still out so my daughter and I decide to get some last minute rays by the water. We hear a shot, the dog comes back.......nothing. About a half hour later my daughter asks if we should be concerned that we heard gunfire and no one has returned. Give it a bit I say....besides we have about an hour of sun left.
Sure enough they return, but dad and the hubby are chuckling the whole way. You tell them, dad says. Apparently, as the story goes,dad had blanks and tear gas canisters for the starter pistol. He was unaware that he had grabbed a tear gas canister. Out comes a bear, dad shoots and a puff of bluish smoke wafts in his direction. The hubby wonders what is going on as dad drops to the ground writhing in pain, tears streaming from his eyes. Dad recovers and starts marveling at his stupidity, filling in the blanks for Gene. Once again, a directive is given that this one must make it into the story books for the funeral!
I believe I have my dad's sense of humor and the ability to laugh at myself. I think it's a wonderful trait to inherit and will not only honor dad's wishes when (in hopefully what will be quite a few years) he passes, but request my family to do the same.
I love my dad.
German G
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