Saturday, 18 June 2011

Where's the "luck" in potluck??

I dislike potlucks.  Dinner, lunches.......doesn't matter, I am not overly keen on them.  They can be loud, noisy environments in which you have no control over what you can eat and who you are sitting next to.  But, above all else, it's the apparent lack of "potluck etiquette" that drives me nuts!

Let me set the scenario.  The place is packed. There seems to be enough food for everyone.  The table is overflowing, anticipation is in the air as table by table the masses start filing.  I don't really care if I am the first or the last.....I mean, really, what's the rush.  There is plenty of food for all. I chat, I wait and then I look up from my table...........

First off, where are some children's parents??  I was always taught, take a bit of food first, there are others behind you.  You can always go back for 2nds after everyone has had a chance to serve themselves. It's the way I raised my kids.  But then I look again........wait a minute.....would you look at the mound of I see where Junior gets it from!

Now don't get me wrong, it's not about the food for me.  It's about the etiquette.  I was recently at a well-planned, civilized potluck where everyone behaved themselves and there was plenty of food left over.  I actually find that the smaller the event, the more control.  What agitates me is the apparent "famine mentally" that overtakes some people and the ensuing "scraps" that are left behind for people further down the line.  Like if they don't pile it on now, they will never eat another meal!

The most interesting thing about this is the church potluck.  I will make an open disclaimer that not everyone in the church is like this, but some people have no problem pointing out other peoples sins. Look at so & so......they smoke, or live with someone, or are dating a non-christian (insert any other "sin" that people are so ready to point out) but do they not see that piling food sky high is greed & gluttony.  Last time I looked, that was a sin!

 I guess what I am trying to say is look behind you.  Look at the plate in front of you.  Have concern for your fellow man.  Be respectful and take only what you need.....not what you want before the next guy gets there.  Perhaps if we all did that, then there would be food left over that we could take to a needy family that really could use it!


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