Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Shades of a journal shelved......

It's almost been an entire week since I have blogged!! Aack!  Is my journaling slothfulness rearing it's ugly head or do I simply not have anything of interest to write about?  I think the latter is true.

Though I cannot say my life is boring, many times I don't find it interesting enough to share here.  I mean, if I don't find the past week particularly thrilling......why would cyberspace wish to hear about it.

 I have an endearing little East Indian lady I am teaching to drive at the moment.  The car is filled with humorous moments (such as this) where she is utterly thrilled and in a strong Indian accent shouts, "OMG, OMG....I am driving"!  Did she just text out loud!!??  He, he.....she makes me love my job.  This is what it's all about.  A new immigrant, from a poor family, trying to eek out a living in a "new world", doing things she never had the opportunity to do back home.

I had another student, a Philippino lady, who I taught to drive that has been away from her husband and 2 small children for almost 3 years!  We can't even imagine what that is like, trying to make a better life for yourself and your family....willing to make such sacrifices.  I did tell her though that I would always keep in touch and when her kids became teenagers that disobeyed, I would come round to the house and give them a good "what for" and shame them into upstanding behavior by telling them how hard she word and how many tears she cried when she was away from them.  She smiled.

On a completely random & funny side note, I read the best article online today about a boa constrictor that escaped from someone's home.  It went on to say that their pet ferret was also missing.  Animal control was quoted as saying.....wait for it......"I doubt very much the ferret went willingly."    Bahahaaaaa!!!

I guess I just finished off a post.........the "journal" has come back off of the shelf!  :-)


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