Sunday, 18 September 2011

Double Header

The hubby and I went out hunting yesterday and each came home with a deer.  Normally this would result in great rejoicing, but in this case, not even a photo was taken.  Let me explain.

We were driving along when I noticed a deer with horns.  Seemed like a nice size, at least a 2 point (which was going to be my minimum for this year) so I took the shot.  All of a sudden there is some more movement and I tell the hubby there is another one.  Oh, I say, it's a spike buck....pretty small.  I am sent to park the truck. On the way back I hear another shot.  Did you have to shoot mine a 2nd time?  Nope I shot the other one.

We traipse through the slash about 100 meters or so to retrieve them both.  I am sent back to the truck to get the licenses.......a particular detail we both forgot to remember.  The hubby stays to gut the deer.  By the time I return the gruesome task is done (one I am capable of but will not argue should someone offer to do it for me).  What took you so long he says?

I would make a horrible deer.  I seem to take the most difficult path there and back each and every time.  Instead of looking for the "well worn" trail out, I opt for the hummocky, slashy, salal  ridden path.  Each and every time!  I am new at this....I am still learning.

We drag them out, I following the husband who has this walking through the woods thing down to a science.  In the truck they go and home we ride. No photos taken....I am kind of embarrassed as, in my opinion, these are the kind of deer you shoot at the end of the season when you still have a tag left.

Later that evening we assess the days events.  It goes something like this:

Me:  I really thought those horns were bigger.  If I had known that I don't think I would have taken the shot, would you?
Hubby:  Yup!
Me:  Really!?  Hmmmmm.  For sure though if you had taken the shot first I would never have shot that little spike buck.
Hubby:  Really!?
Me: Yup!  Why did you shoot it?
Hubby:  Because you shot one!

And so the years "competition" begins!


Sunday, 4 September 2011

Facebook "don'ts"

I have noticed that not all people know what to do regarding their status updates whilst utilizing Facebook.  Let me help you.

10 Facebook status "do nots":

1. Do not emotionally vomit all over facebook
2. Do not retaliate against your Ex
3. Do not tell me how many centimeters you are dilated
4. Do not tell me whose driveway you are parked in (or any other mundane fact)
5. Do not tell me that you have not "gotten any" in the last while
6. Likewise do not tell me that you "got it" last night
7. Do not share that you have bad gas, diarrhea or any other body fluid illness
8. Do not tell me what you are having for dinner (wait that is a mundane fact covered under 4)
9. Do not tell me that your toddler son/daughter just did a number two on the potty! (Not everyone will rejoice with you on Juniors accomplishments)
10. Never, ever, EVER update your status while intoxicated! EVER!

I am certain there are many more......but this is a start.

You're welcome,

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

P90X - End of week one

Well, I survived week one.  Completely unmotivated and encouraged by my usually unenthusiastic bff, I made it to the end of the week.

I have not lost a single pound (must eat better this week), am in pain, but I feel much better.  Oh water on the knee....I have that too (insert sympathy here) but, I am taking Tony's advice, modifying, adapting and pressing on. (All with good form I might add because that is important!) See, I don't just complain the whole way through, I listen.  Well, actually, I don't really need to listen as I have probably memorized each and every annoying saying, motivational tip and just outright ridiculous ramblings.  "I recommend foot spray."  Need I say more.

Yoga X.  I truly hate it.  Yoga is supposed to be relaxing.  Not with Tony chattering on and on.  Not to mention the crazy, endless sun salutations!  1.5 hours of hell.....well maybe not all of it.  The last 5 minutes of stretching is quite relaxing.  I would rather do 2 back to back cycles of Plyometrics than one Yoga X.  Enough said.

But, I am grateful to the best friend.  Somewhat sore, but rather more motivated than the first week.  I am certain that we will eventually exchange roles and go back to our usual "Let's do this!! God you are so annoying!!" relationship, where I am the enthusiastic one.  My prediction is this will happen post wedding that she is attending.  When she is no longer on public display and can hide under layers of winter wear.  I will be the one saying, "Don't you feel great?" And she will be the one saying, "Piss off!"

I love our relationship!


Saturday, 27 August 2011

P90X - "I love it, but I hate it"

Oh the pain of "fitness".

Once again, I have lept onto the fitness treadmill thanks to my bff.  I wanted to leap on, but couldn't quite do it on my own.  Thankfully, while I was in Germany aquiring a few extra pounds, J got abducted by Aliens who transferred my desire (well, perhaps not transferred as I had lost that desire) to start on another cycle of P90X.  Now it's J saying, "When do you want to work out??"  Strange really.

Today is day 2.  Today happens also to be pain filled.  Why does "fitness" hurt so much.  It is supposed to make you feel better......this doesn't feel better.

But, from previous experience I know it will get better.  I know that I will begin to feel stronger, look stronger and become healthier.  I will lose weight.  A pleasant side effect to working out.

This time, I hope I continue in some form.  I hate struggling with my weight.  I don't like the fitness hamster wheel that I continually find myself on.

Perhaps this time, it might become a lifestyle change.


Friday, 19 August 2011

Water, cool clean water!

Water is something that North Americans take for granted.  I have especially realized this on my trip to Europe.

I have to say miss tap water!  In Germany when you go out to eat and ask for water, you get a bottle of it, usually sparkling and you have to pay for it.  You can ask for tap water.......but you don't usually get it, or you have to fight to get some. I am told that if you insist they must give it to you but it is something that is frowned upon and if you are a frugal travellor it is something that adds Euros to your eating bill each an every time you go out.  I figure if I am going to pay 1,90€ for a glass of sparkling water, then I am going to jack it up to 2,90€ and have a decent glass of beer!

Europeans have to pay for their water.  They shower and rarely bath. When they shower they get wet, turn the tap off, lather up and clean necessary body parts, then turn the water back on to rinse off.  It's actually not a bad idea in the environmentally conscious society we live in!  But, we don't.  We waste the water standing under it for hours or bathing in it each and every day.  I confess....I have missed my nightly baths!

So, when I return to Canada I am going to try a little harder not take the water for granted and enjoy each and every free glass I drink.  I'll conserve in the shower and perhaps take a few less baths a week.

When you stop and think about it, saving the earth is best done one person at a time.  If each and every person recycled, used less water or walked a little more, the earth would be a greener place

I'll do my part.......what will you do?


Wednesday, 17 August 2011

A healthy self image

Germans truly have a healthy self image.

Today was Schwimbad day.  The weather was hot, the sun was shining so off to the Freibad (outdoor pool) we go!

Here I am fretting the whole way there. Should I wear my two piece or my one piece?  I have just spent nearly 2 weeks in the land of chocolate, cheese, sausages and beer!  Needless to say, it's showing around the midline just a tad.  :P  But, on the way I make a decision.  I am on vacation dammit! one knows me here.  I shall wear the 2 piece!

Out of the changing room I walk, full of a loathing self image and trepidation only to come face to face with a women in her late 60's....shall we say looking "well fed"....wearing a two piece!  Ha!  Can we say absolute freedom!

Now, there are positives and negatives. Also lounging about was a rather rotund man in his 40's wearing a speedo!  More than and eyefull I can tell you!  But also walking about were people of various shapes and sizes.  No one was staring (except perhaps me) one was commenting.  It was such a beautiful thing to see coming from a body conscious society such as mine.  Really, what is the big deal??  We are who we are, made how we are made and we should embrace it and strut around proudly.

Today the sun was shining on my being......and IN my being!


Saturday, 13 August 2011

Best story EVER!

Ok.  So there is the best story ever transpiring here in Germany.  It's about Yvonne the cow who escaped from the slaughterhouse of a sausage maker.  She wants to be free.  She wants to be wild....she wants to live.

Off she went and is now wondering through the German forest pretending to be a deer.  Many attempts have been made to catch her.  None successful thus far.

They built her a beautiful pen with lovely hay and grain to eat.  She would have none of that.  The freedom of the forest and munching on grass wherever she wishes is what she craves.  Recently though a 2nd attempt to catch her was made.  One which I find particularily amusing.

They brought her a bull.  LOL  I am laughing as I find this very amusing.  The idea came from none other than a man and they were darn proud of the idea too!  They went on and on how attractive he was, gentle....alluring.  Only a man could have thought of this idea.  Think about it.  Were it the other way around I am certain that the cow would attract a rougue bull. BUT....since it is a cow that has gone "ferrel" I am certain it will NOT work. And to make matters worse, they have recently found out that the bull had been castrated.  I just about fell off the chair laughing.

So, each evening we watch the news to see how Yvonne is doing.  Rooting for the cow....that she gets to stay in the wilderness.  At the moment there are animal control officers trying to dart her as they are concerned she will wander into traffic and seriously injure a motorist.  I think she is too smart for that.  When people are searching for her she stays one step ahead of them and then pops up behind them as if to say, "I´m too smart for you.  You will never catch me!"

Personally......I am cheering for the cow!


Damn cheese!

It's the cheese....I swear it is.  May as well tape it stright to my butt!

I have clothing, lovinly selected especially for my trip to Germany.  Now, the perfect opportunity arises....I put them on and Gah!  Too tight.

Is it any wonder really??  All the food I have eaten....especially the cheese.  Which, by the way, tastes NOTHING like what is available back home.  I try each and every meal to stay away....but alas, it calls me....beckons me to be placed atop splended fresh baked bread.  Thankfully I have managed to stay away from adding butter........that would be utter catastrophe!!

I still have a week to go.  Will anything fit at the end of this vacation???

Probably only the Yoga pants.  I wonder if it's possible to lose not only the weight I have gained but also the extra I came with in the mere 7 days that remain.

Probably not......sigh......damn cheese!


Friday, 12 August 2011

You get what you pay for!

Bought a cute little camera to take wiht me to Germany.  Sweat little deal.......$100. I have a great camera but it's rather bulky so I thought this would be perfect!

Fast forward to trip to Germany, good camera at home, new camera in hand.

There is a perfect photo opportunity.  Press the button....nothing.  Press again....still again......butterfly gone, lovely leaf picture!  Gah!

Next opportunity.  Running for a time to stop....oh look at the beautiful castle.  Press the again.....still nothing......meanwhile relatives are now 1 klm ahead of me running for said train.

Earlier in the day we were taking a relaxing ride on a boat.  Wanted to take a few shots, all to no avail.  To backtrack just a bit, there was a sign that read look but do not feed, with various pictures of carp, ducks, turtes, etc.  Now I must say that for no feeding allowed, these creatures all arrived at the side of the boat, mouth open waiting.  Obviously someone is feeding them!  I try to take a few pictures.......stupid camera!  Perhaps that large carp with the wide open mouth might enjoy eating this piece of crap!  By the way....Germans know the word shit.....which I said often when the camera failed.......always followed by snickers from my cousin.

Anyhow, I have learned that you get what you pay for.  I have purchased what seems to be the version of a modern day pinhole camera!  (Grainy black and white photos to follow!)

German G

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Coming home

It seems that when you travel there are many things that are similar......and yet many that are not.

Relationships for instance are the same worldwide.  Couples argue about the dumbest things all over the world.  Take my cousins.  Apparently her hubby does little around the house.  A common theme throughout the globe, of that I am certain.  Then later.....she puts her foot down......clean up after yourself she says......only to be agrivated by the mess that still remains and she once again starts picking up the left over dishes, munchie bags, laundry, etc.

The weather.  Crap here....crap at home......I have been wearing the same ONE pair of long pants that I have packed.....enough said!

But the differences.........

Food.  Everything tastes better in Germany.  It even looks better.  Glorious pretzels for sale with lights beaming on them, beckoning you to have one with a "Milsch Kaffee".  Heaven!

Prices of things are outrageously cheap.  High quality too.  I am seriously considering selling my house (must first entertain the nothing with hubby THEN try to convince him of said notion) and moving over here.  Groceries that I can purchase in Canada sold here so much more cheaper that it longer holds any credence with me when people say I pay more for groceries due to transportation costs!  Hogwash!

And fashion.......Europeon people are so much more stylish than their Canadian counterparts.  I know why people point and laugh at then when they visit....they are jealous that they don't know how to look that good......or even care if they do.....I do!

I know that nowhere is perfect.  But for me, unfettered by responsibilites.......this place is.  :-)

For me, it's like coming home......


Sunday, 7 August 2011

They sure do move!

I am currently on vacation.  I have also made an observation while I am here.  Europeans sure do move!  Not just in vehicles, but on trains, bikes and walking.  I find they are especially physically minded.

Now, having said that I made the most interesting discovery that would be sure to have even my bff's bf running to the swimming pool!  What is it you ask??  Beer is served in the cafe that is housed within the swimming pool.  And schnitzel!  And good beer, too!

Germans are a wonderful people.  They live well, play well and as a result eat well.  I understand why this is my motherland.  There is a kinship here.  :-)

Jetlag and rain aside, I am enjoying my vacation.  Even as I type this I am rewarded with a view from the window of glorious sunshine.  This afternoon holds a "fest" in the days activities.....more beer, food and fun!'s going to be another good day!


Saturday, 23 July 2011're going on vacation??

People are rude! 

I am going on vacation and you would think that the world has ended.  A factoid that I did not seem to know about was that people who own businesses are NEVER to go on vacation and ALWAYS be available for the general public.....always!  (Thank you for letting me know this)  Just kidding!!!

Do not let me know this!  Do not snap at me when you phone......if you want good customer service (or even want me to return your call when I get back) NOT be rude to me! 

Being in business gives one flexibility.  I can choose my vacations, but contrary to some people's belief, I do not just pick and choose at a whim.  I work hard before I go and I work hard when I get back.  Somewhere in there I have to make up the time off and being that I am the only "employee" of the company, it falls to me to do that.  It's probably why many business owners think twice before they take a's a lot of work!

But, thankfully, I have approx 8 more days of fielding phone calls before I leave.  I will not have telephone service when I get there and limited email access, so I can truly say that I will be on vacation.  Something much needed and I am looking forward to it.

And my customers......I am pretty sure they will still be there when I return........if I return.  LOL


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Meloncholy muse

Melancholy: Depression of spirits; a gloomy state continuing a considerable time; deep dejection; gloominess.

I am in a melancholy state.   Is it the weather.....the lack of sunshine one should find in the months of "summer"....perhaps. Is it because my vacation is only 2 weeks away and instead of shedding the five pounds I had planned to I have gained five more? Could very well be!

Whatever the reason my melancholy mood will remain hidden from the rest of the world.  Why?  Because that is what I do. Stemming mostly from  being a private person where that area of my life is concerned.  Few people know me well enough to see through the "everything's great"!  Few of us (I am equally guilty) stop long enough to have a second look and see what is really swirling behind a person's comment.  We rarely glance twice as we whiz by asking, "How are you?"  Few of us listen well enough to hear when someone is saying they are not.  Again...I am just as (perhaps abundantly so) guilty as the next person.

But really, what is there to say when some problems cannot be fixed and you simply don't feel like telling the whole world.  I have never been that person to emotionally vomit all over someone else.  I like to be there for my friends, but don't have the patience for people who get "stuck"....mired down in things they don't even want to fix.  I don't expect it from others.

And so, the weather suits my mood.  It is am I.  And that is ok with me. trip to Germany (all alone) is just around the corner and sure to lift any mood I am in!


Thursday, 7 July 2011

Do we really need to legislate that??

How come cigarettes get picked on by the Canadian government?  It's their "glamour" indulgence if you will, that legislates tobacco manufacturers to post those nasty images on a package of smokes to "deter" a person from having a puff. 

First off I would like to say that I call myself a non-smoker but do enjoy a cigarette now and then, especially in the summer months.  I do not struggle with addiction in this area.  Food is my indulgence.  The photos on the package do not deter me.....nor my husband who is a hard core smoker.  Nor does the price, or even the social stigma attached to it.  Pass by someone enjoying a pipe or cigar and people will smile.  Pass by a smoker....disgust!

Now, what I am trying to get at is this......why do they pick on cigarettes, when it's clearly a persons choice that dictates their decision to smoke?  There are a plethora of items that are unhealthy.....why no disgusting photos on them???

Indulge me on this........

-All junk food should have pictures of obese people, enlarged hearts, mounds of fat......any number of things.....plastered on the bags. I mean, if they think it will work for cigarettes.....just saying. about photos of car wrecks, torn limbs, wheelchairs, etc.

-Condoms should have photos of children weeping when families are torn apart from adultery, pictures of gonorrhea, syphilis or a person with aids. Or pregnant people...THAT"S a deterrent!

This list could go on and on.  My point is this.  We all have something called free will.  We can choose to do something, or choose not to do it.  And many who are addicted to cigarettes will not quit no matter how much we nag or legislate them to do so. would make them pay for their own medical bills.  I know it would work for me.  If I got heart disease due to me constantly shoveling food in when I am not hungry, I just might re-think my motives.  Hit me in the pocket book and perhaps...just perhaps....I might not eat so much.

But we all know that will never happen.  Just as making manufacturers of cigarettes plaster nasty photos on a package of smokes shouldn't happen either.  Don't single them out unless you are going to target every other indulgence that will lead to health issues.

In my opinion.....that is discrimination!


Monday, 4 July 2011

The week the Women went

I saw a show yesterday called "The week the women went".  It was highly entertaining though I found it extremely difficult to relate to some of the women.

First off, some of the women were crying BEFORE the even left, saying how much they would miss the kids!!  What is the matter with you!!??  They were sent to Banff at a 5 star resort to be pampered all week!!  Not something you cry over unless it's tears of joy! And when they returned the tears came again.....hardly waiting to see the kids (funny none of them said the husband).  Ok...I admit....I would be crying a bit, but only because I would be fearful of the state of the house and how much work would be waiting for me at home!

It was an eye opener for most of the men.  Surprise....we really don't sit around all day eating ice cream and watching soap operas.  Especially if we have young children.  If we have older children we multi-task and eat our ice cream in a cone, in the car....on the way to the soccer game!

Most of the men found it exhausting to work and look after the kids.  Those with older teens often pawned the younger ones off to them while they got in a round of golf.  Typical.  When I go away, it is not uncommon to phone home only to find out that our son has been shuffled off to the neighbours while the hubby "relaxes". Wait...did I say relax??  What I meant to say was "tidy up the garage", which is code for sleep on the couch all afternoon and then go to the garage for about a half hour so that technically, it's not lying. He did actually "tidy" the garage.  :P

One particularly annoying fellow on the show (a live in boyfriend) was not even present when his girlfriend returned.  He was golfing with his buddy and when interviewed later asked if he was supposed to have learned something from the experience?  I sure hope she did......leave him!

I guess I am just a horrible wife.  I don't miss the kids and I don't miss the husband.  I enjoy myself while I am away.  They will survive and perhaps even come out the other side a bit more their mom.  And when they get older, I (by my example) will have made it easier for them to leave their families guilt free. 

Sometimes it's tough being a mom.......but someone's got to do it!  :-)

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Death & taxes....both are certain

Ahhhhhhhh, the HST referendum.  Should we say yes to keeping it, or no & scrap it? (Or is it no to keeping it and yes to scrapping it??)  As my best friend said......the only thing harder than figuring out which box to check is the order of the envelopes (3 in total) in which you have to stuff your ballot into!

We still have to pay taxes.  That point is certain.

I read a particularly great blog on the subject where the author (click for link here) brings up some pretty strong points. One of which is, and I quote:  "Just because the government forced HST upon us, doesn't mean we need to vote it away". Well said!

Let's face it.  No one likes the way the Liberals forced the HST down our throats.  We were never consulted and we never had a chance to voice our opinions otherwise.  Until now.  Which I am afraid, is a bit too late, as it now swings the power to the influential fear mongers who will tell people that this is a horrible tax and it's going to cost them money to keep it.
News's going to cost us money to get rid of it!  Lots of money.  Not only the money we have to pay back to the federal government (1.6 Billion!!) but the cost of setting up all of those departments that were streamlined and re-hiring people back to implement 2 taxes.

Another thing I find interesting is that the "scrap the HST" debate is largely lead by people with NDP leanings.  People who want (indeed feel entitled)  every social program known to man.  Tell do you expect to pay for all of these things??  Health care, social housing, education, social assistance.  It takes money and the money has got to come from somewhere!

So let's just move on and get this over with quickly.  Use some common sense.........death & taxes....both are NO to getting rid of the HST.  

Oh....and don't forget to actually mail in your ballots if you are in favour of keeping it.  You know the ones who want to get rid of the HST will.  And if you are one of the people who wish to scrap the HST.....feel free to forget your ballot on the counter.  :-)


Sunday, 19 June 2011

So, you call yourself a driving instructor!

Yesterday was a horrible day.  Me, the driving instructor, ran over the beloved family pet in the driveway!

Before I resume the rest of the story, I will tell you that he is OK.  (Insert sigh of relief here) How do you run over your own dog in your own driveway you ask?

Here's the thing.  For approx. 9 years Bandit has lain in the driveway.  For approx. 9 years, he has always moved when I am backing in or driving out........always! So, walking around the car and looking (as I teach my students) likely would not have changed much that evening, as I would have started the car, thought he would move and then drove off as per usual. Only the "usual" did not occur!

My  son and I left and immediately I noticed that something didn't sound quite right.  As I was slowing down, the dog yelped.  I was instantly sick to my stomach and I realized what I had just done.  I jumped out and screamed for my husband to help.

Here was poor Bandit, trapped under the car.  Thankfully, he was only pinned under the carriage of the vehicle.  I had not actually run over him!   I am sitting on the steps, my son is rubbing my back and I am crying.  (At this point my son says, "This is interesting.  The one who likes the dog the least is crying the most!"  Thank you son....thank you so much for your words of "encouragement")  The hubby comes to the rescue with a hydrolic jack and frees poor Bandit. Off he runs.......I breathe a sigh of relief.  I haven't killed him!

But, he looks at me with eyes that say, "You tried to kill me, I trust you not"!  He retreats to his doghouse  and stares....eyes accusing.  Once again, I am sick to my stomach.  How do you speak to a creature that does not speak your language.  Ah!  I bribe him.  A hotdog, piece of bacon, dog treat......all accepted.....but the accusation doesn't go away.  "I know what you are doing", they say, "but I still don't trust you"!  Will this shame ever end!

Thank goodness a dog's memory is not a lengthy one.    The morning comes and when I let him out of the garage (I should say that I was going to let him sleep in the house, but he wanted to part of being in close proximity of me) he bounds out, the previous day apparently behind him. Yes!  Redemption!

Today all seems well in the pet/owner world.  Though I did notice that when I backed into the driveway........the dog was no where to be seen!


Saturday, 18 June 2011

Where's the "luck" in potluck??

I dislike potlucks.  Dinner, lunches.......doesn't matter, I am not overly keen on them.  They can be loud, noisy environments in which you have no control over what you can eat and who you are sitting next to.  But, above all else, it's the apparent lack of "potluck etiquette" that drives me nuts!

Let me set the scenario.  The place is packed. There seems to be enough food for everyone.  The table is overflowing, anticipation is in the air as table by table the masses start filing.  I don't really care if I am the first or the last.....I mean, really, what's the rush.  There is plenty of food for all. I chat, I wait and then I look up from my table...........

First off, where are some children's parents??  I was always taught, take a bit of food first, there are others behind you.  You can always go back for 2nds after everyone has had a chance to serve themselves. It's the way I raised my kids.  But then I look again........wait a minute.....would you look at the mound of I see where Junior gets it from!

Now don't get me wrong, it's not about the food for me.  It's about the etiquette.  I was recently at a well-planned, civilized potluck where everyone behaved themselves and there was plenty of food left over.  I actually find that the smaller the event, the more control.  What agitates me is the apparent "famine mentally" that overtakes some people and the ensuing "scraps" that are left behind for people further down the line.  Like if they don't pile it on now, they will never eat another meal!

The most interesting thing about this is the church potluck.  I will make an open disclaimer that not everyone in the church is like this, but some people have no problem pointing out other peoples sins. Look at so & so......they smoke, or live with someone, or are dating a non-christian (insert any other "sin" that people are so ready to point out) but do they not see that piling food sky high is greed & gluttony.  Last time I looked, that was a sin!

 I guess what I am trying to say is look behind you.  Look at the plate in front of you.  Have concern for your fellow man.  Be respectful and take only what you need.....not what you want before the next guy gets there.  Perhaps if we all did that, then there would be food left over that we could take to a needy family that really could use it!


I love my dad

My dad is amazing!  He can be very opinionated (surely where I get it from!) but it's always with love and concern for myself and my family.  And he's is a funny guy.

My dad is the type of person in a crowd that draws the laughs.  He is outgoing and has a great sense of humour, able to pull a punchline out of thin air when needed.  He is also able to laugh at himself.  This is an admirable trait as many people can dish it out, but they cannot take it.  When something funny happens to him, he always says, "Remember this one for the funeral.....I want people to laugh"!

There was this time as a teenager when I reluctantly had to help dear old dad do some chores.  I can't remember the exact details, but I do remember it required him to reach into the back of the truck canopy.  In and out he went passing whatever it was to me, to be dutifully brought into the house.  I do remember that it was morning and his PJ's were on.  After a few trips, I got some crazy idea that I should "pants" dear old dad.  The next reach in.....whip......those PJ's fly to his ankles, having no idea that he wasn't wearing underwear (I am still a bit scarred from that vision).  Dad hits his head on the top of the canopy and then topples in forward so now he's kind of stuck there, balls to the breeze.  I am in hysterics rolling around on the driveway.......the effect was more than I could have hoped for.  Dad was not impressed.  Some weeks later he was able to chuckle.  Shortly after our neighbors directly across the street split up.   To this day dad blames the "pantsing" incident saying that once his wife got a look at a real man, she just couldn't stay with her husband.  LOL

The other thing that comes to mind is a recent camping trip we went on where dad brought a starter pistol to use as a bear banger on their walks.  It was loud and it was effective and our dog did not like the noise of it. After supper one day the hubby and dad decide to take another stroll.  The sun was still out so my daughter and I decide to get some last minute rays by the water.  We hear a shot, the dog comes back.......nothing.  About a half hour later my daughter asks if we should be concerned that we heard gunfire and no one has returned.  Give it a bit I say....besides we have about an hour of sun left. 

Sure enough they return, but dad and the hubby are chuckling the whole way.  You tell them, dad says.  Apparently, as the story goes,dad had blanks and tear gas canisters for the starter pistol.  He was unaware that he had grabbed a tear gas canister.  Out comes a bear, dad shoots and a puff of bluish smoke wafts in his direction.  The hubby wonders what is going on as dad drops to the ground writhing in pain, tears streaming from his eyes.  Dad recovers and starts marveling at his stupidity, filling in the blanks for Gene.  Once again, a directive is given that this one must make it into the story books for the funeral!

I believe I have my dad's sense of humor and the ability to laugh at myself.  I think it's a wonderful trait to inherit and will not only honor dad's wishes when (in hopefully what will be quite a few years) he passes, but request my family to do the same.

I love my dad.

German G

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The "concept" of time

My husband doesn't have any concept of time.  Not the minute to minute, hour by hour time.  But the months & years time.  Often he will relate a story to me when I not only have to say, sorry wrong girlfriend, but inform him that it was indeed not 3 years ago when he went to Penticton, but more than 16.....the number of years we have been together.  His reply: Hmmmmm, I suppose it was. 

The other day I purchased new coffee and end tables.  Love them, they look fantastic.......much more modern than the last set and with legs that properly support the top of the table.  We bring them in, set them up and proceed to take the old ones apart.  I tell him that the coffee table is unrepairable and it can be chopped up and burned (it has already been repaired multiple times by the hubby, previous to it's demise).  He says to me with a rather indignant tone: Why not chop up and burn the end tables, too?  No, I reply, they are perfectly fine (hideous, but functional) and besides our son can use them when he goes off to college.  Why bother, he says, you will probably just buy new ones again closer to when he moves out and he can could have the ones you just bought.

Now, I don't know whether to take this as a dig that I bought new tables or that he thinks the large table is actually still in good repair and I just wasted $400.  But then it comes to me.....he has once again lost track of time.  So I fill in the details with my reply:  These tables are almost 16 years old, dear.  That would make our son 30 by the time I get another set and I hope to God he is not still living at home with us!

We have had them for almost 16 years??????

He really has no concept of time.


Monday, 13 June 2011

"A Fantastic Day for Everyone!"

On Sunday my son summed the day up 100% correctly.  He said: What a fantastic day for everyone.  I made some money, dad and "J" caught their limit fishing and you shot a bear (as well as shenanigans at Telegraph Cove with G & K)!

I did indeed shoot a first.  A small one by "man standards".  I know this because it did not exceed 500 lbs and every male on the planet made a comment on the fact that it looked more like a dog than a bear.  Funny!

I am intensely proud though.  After all, C and I went without the menfolk and combed the hillside for the entire day (with a small break to dine with friends at Telegraph Cove).  I was exhausted and had enough when on the way C says, "Bet you we will see one when we are just about at the highway".  And what happens........

Very shortly before we are about to embark on the home stretch, 2 bears come lumbering across the road!  Woop, woop!

Out we hop, me with gun and C with camera and binoculars in hand.  Both the bears had ran into the bush so I went over to get a better look.  I figure it was the male I heard because at this point it challenges me to back off with a resounding "woof" and I go back to the safety of the truck.  We wait.

Sure enough they trot across the road and patience allows me to get my shot.  (Luck allows me to get a 2nd as the 1st shot clearly misses!  Gah!)  Off the bear runs and now I am faced with the prospect that I have wounded a bear.

C and I try to go and see if we can find any blood.  Remember only one of us is armed. We don't see any.  But, as we are wandering around the edge of the forest we hear crashing and both, once again, flee to the shelter of the truck.  As we listen, I am certain that I hear it's final breaths.  Now what?  Remember 2 bears were together, one is dead....where is the other??  I make a decision.

The menfolk had returned from fishing and we are not far from town so I decide to call for back up.  I send a text: Are you available, bring a gun.  I have shot a bear and there were two so now I am scared shitless to go into the woods and get it.  I get a text back: You are where and did what????   I look at my phone....oops.  I text back....wrong number!

A short time later hubby arrives with guns in hand.  J, who doesn't like bears stays in the clearing with his gun.  The hubby, I and C go in.  The womenfolk are chosen to drag the 250 lb bear out of the woods while armed hubby keeps and eye open for possible returning 2nd bear.

We can do this I say to C!  We each grab a leg.....air escapes.....the bear makes a noise....I scream like a girl!  This is perhaps a bit too much for me.  We attempt again.  This time it is C and I grunting the whole way out, not the bear.  I think I can cross this hunting experience off of my bucket list!

As she reaches for her camera C says, pose for a pic.  I oblige.......awesome picture, she says....great cleavage!  Oh my........

All in all it was a great day.  A lot of work resulting in a very late departure to the land of sleep.  But, it does allow me the time to reflect on my life and the people who are in it.  I have a great hubby that will  come to the rescue when I need him to and is very supportive of my hunting endeavors.  I have fantastic friends!   I don't know many women that would traipse around the country side hunting and then help drag a 250 lb bear out when they had nothing to do with the shooting of it. I am blessed with 2 such friends that would do just that. 
J (you were not there but I know you would do it) and ladies rock!

You may not be may even find the idea of hunting offensive.......but yes, my son was right. Sunday was a fantastic day for everyone!


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Shades of a journal shelved......

It's almost been an entire week since I have blogged!! Aack!  Is my journaling slothfulness rearing it's ugly head or do I simply not have anything of interest to write about?  I think the latter is true.

Though I cannot say my life is boring, many times I don't find it interesting enough to share here.  I mean, if I don't find the past week particularly thrilling......why would cyberspace wish to hear about it.

 I have an endearing little East Indian lady I am teaching to drive at the moment.  The car is filled with humorous moments (such as this) where she is utterly thrilled and in a strong Indian accent shouts, "OMG, OMG....I am driving"!  Did she just text out loud!!??  He, he.....she makes me love my job.  This is what it's all about.  A new immigrant, from a poor family, trying to eek out a living in a "new world", doing things she never had the opportunity to do back home.

I had another student, a Philippino lady, who I taught to drive that has been away from her husband and 2 small children for almost 3 years!  We can't even imagine what that is like, trying to make a better life for yourself and your family....willing to make such sacrifices.  I did tell her though that I would always keep in touch and when her kids became teenagers that disobeyed, I would come round to the house and give them a good "what for" and shame them into upstanding behavior by telling them how hard she word and how many tears she cried when she was away from them.  She smiled.

On a completely random & funny side note, I read the best article online today about a boa constrictor that escaped from someone's home.  It went on to say that their pet ferret was also missing.  Animal control was quoted as saying.....wait for it......"I doubt very much the ferret went willingly."    Bahahaaaaa!!!

I guess I just finished off a post.........the "journal" has come back off of the shelf!  :-)


Friday, 3 June 2011

A bit of a Rant......

Duplicity.......can't stand it.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.  That's the kind of parent I am.  Not always liked by the kids, but they always know where they stand with me. It's the kind of person I am....the kind of friend I am.  Don't ask me for "my honest opinion"....unless you want it.

So here are a few things that bother me:

Don't talk behind my back and then smile to my face.  If you don't like me fine....I probably don't like you much either.....I can live with that.

If you are having a crappy day, just say so.  But for goodness sake move on with it.  I have no patience for people who like to play the part of the Martyr....grow up!

Don't ask me if  I have a problem with you when it's you who has the problem with me!  If I have offended you, tell me.  I will probably apologize for it and move on.

When I apologize to you and you accept my apology....mean it.  Don't harbor it and bring it back up 7 months from now.  I would rather hear you say I'm not there yet, than say I accept your apology and deep down you really don't mean it.

Women....stop playing games.  We should be supporting each other, in the workforce and in life.  It's not a competition.  We each have our strengths.....stop tearing other people down to make yourself look better or continually beat yourself up for your weaknesses .....we all have them.....get over it. 

Live, work and play with honesty and integrity.  If you are not a person of are nothing.  At the end of the day things we accumulate mean nothing.  It's the person we are and how we are to others that count.

There......I feel much better now.  :-)


Thursday, 2 June 2011

What do you mean, no?

I am the kind of a person that finds it a challenge when someone says there isn't a way to do something.  Or, you can't change things, it's always been this way.

I am not talking about outright disobedience.  I just can't stand it when people keep bringing the past forward as an example of how it cannot be done today!  Those statements (perhaps rooted in fact) are the very thing that motivate me.  I have always said that I may not be the visionary, but I can be the legs to that vision. Give me a great idea and I will find a way to get it done!

Think of salmon spawning.  Look at the rivers they go up.  Sometimes abundant with water, a mere trickle or perhaps a raging waterfall, whatever the obstacle, they find a way to move upstream when all the odds seems incredibly stacked against them. Some make it, some don't.  The most tenacious achieve their goal. Tenacity is the key to their success!

In our world it takes both tenacity and other like minded people to join together (I am not above batting my eyelids to get the men on board).  :-)  Ordinary people who see a worthwhile project and say, "I like that idea, I will join with you to get this done"!  Look around you in any sized community and you will find hundreds of examples where volunteers banded together to create a project that everyone can enjoy.  It's a beautiful thing!

So, the next time you hear someone say, it can't be done......say to them, "What do you mean , no?" and then show then how to do it!


Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Maybe Elmer Fudd is my cousin

It seems that I may be related to Elmer Fudd.  Let me explain.

Last year I was introduced the the world of hunting.  I have always been a bit of a tomboy, being drawn to sports that traditionally attract the menfolk.  I was raised around guns and routinely went target shooting or trap shooting with my father.  Being that I was an only child, I became his sidekick at most shooting events.  I dare say I was pretty good at it. One area not privy to by my father, was the yearly hunting trip......nor truthfully, had I ever asked to go.

Recently I took my PAL course in the event that should dear old dad expire (no I am not trying to kill him off) I would legally be able to inherit his guns.  Following this course my best friend suggested we continue with the CORE course.  Truthfully, I was not at all interested in hunting, but she convinced me that this is something we must do.  I acquiesced and in the end was very happy to be able to aquire a hunting license. Fast forward to a short but very successful hunting season and I am now hooked! Thank you jfeldt for introducing me to a whole new world!

I actually don't know who I have become.  I think I may be every married hunting man's dream come true.  Never before has the hubby enjoyed so many "must have" toys that accompany this genre of outdoor activity.  I mean.....EVERYONE needs a bore sighter, don't they??

I am a bit worried though that I may have jinxed myself this year.  I enjoyed a successful season, without all the frills.  Decked out in long underwear under yoga pants, a plain blue shirt and a red jacket (you would think the deer had seen me for miles) I limited out without much problem.  Most likely beginners luck, it will be interesting to see if I will still be as successful when stealthily decked out in full camo. 

I love fashion, make up, high heels and apparently I now love camo.......only not as a fashion statement.

In my gene pool somewhere.......Elmer Fudd must be a cousin.


Friday, 27 May 2011

What Constitutes a Horde?

I simply do NOT do hordes of children very well.

The definition of a horde: A large group or crowd; a swarm; a vast crowd; throng; mob; Horde: a great company, esp. of savage or uncivilized people

By definition, I am just in saying that I spent a better part of the week with "hordes" of 11-13 year olds.  They were a large crowd....a swarm.....a great company of savage and uncivilized people.  I'm over exaggerating you say??  Let me clarify.

Try to corral 12 "tweenies".  They are a swarm, resembling somewhat of a pattern, going in the same direction, but widely dispersed. Easily distracted, they wander back and forth, rarely listening to direction.......beyond frustrating!

But, surely they are not "uncivilized".  Yes!  Place a family pack sized box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch on the counter and watch most of the boys of the "throng" descend in a sugar induced frenzy to "savagely" devour 3 bowls at a time, without a single thought to the rest of the group!

Not to mention the girls.....giggling....talking till 3 AM.  WHAT do girls that age have to talk about till 3 AM???? Politics.......religion.......boys.....ah yes, boys.....little do they know that future conversations about men will fill up infinitely fewer moments of time as they grow older.  Young love.......sigh.

My friend was visiting once with her 2 that time I had only one left at home.  The kids were wild and running a muck when I said to her, "I don't do hordes of children very well"!  To which she replied, "3 is not a horde".

I beg to differ.........


Monkey see, Monkido

I have a fear of heights.  Why then would I accompany a school group of 11 - 13 year olds to do a tree top obstacle course in the great outdoors?  A VERY high obstacle course!

Monkido is a serious of wires, ladders, rope swings & ziplines all suspended in a beautiful forest setting, high within the tree canopy. Did I say high??  You are securely fastened by a harness/carabiner system so that no tragedy can befall you (one does forget that when you reach great heights) .  The adventure starts with a "training" session on a course (ridiculously low I might add, giving no hint of what is to come) to make sure that you can follow the basic safety instructions set out by the staff.  No problem here.

It has four levels, each increasing in both height and difficulty.  The more difficult it became, the more I struggled with a past shoulder injury.  Now, the fact that at many times, I was utterly terrified and hanging on for dear life 100 plus feet high, certainly didn't help those muscles!

The whole time I was thinking, why......why?  This is entertainment?  This is FUN!!??  This is terrifying!!!   (Well, the ziplines were a blast......the rest....negotiable!)

But.......I was the last in line........11 year olds were flying through it like it was nothing.  I wasn't going the be the one who quit half way through or be the one who would have to be rescued, clinging from a rope swing by the ruggedly handsome young guy who had been monitoring us on the path below.  (Writing this now I realized I may have missed an opportunity there.)

In the end, I was proud of my accomplishment.  I conquered a fear and emerged at the end of the course, weaker in upper body strength, but infinitely stronger in spirit!

Perhaps this was the purpose in the first place.


Monday, 23 May 2011

The Man Cold

I am singing the Hallelujah chorus as I write this!  Why so jubilant you ask? The man cold has come to visit my home.  Now, if anyone who knows me is reading this, you would ask.....why so happy?  I shall tell you.

The good Lord has been gracious enough to see to it that I will be away for the next 3 days during "the man cold's" visit!  Can I hear an Amen! (said with a very southern black baptist twang)

Now, before you look down on me for being the unsympathetic wife, let me clarify.  My man, when sick, is not the type of guy who retreats into a room, only to emerge 3 days later fully recovered.  No! He is the type of guy to let the entire household know that he is sick, by having us participate in his illness via a public viewing.  Public viewing you ask??

I will give you and example.  One particular bad cold/flu season he emerged from downstairs and stated....."I think I am sick......can't breathe....have a code in my node".  He went to the hall closet, fished out grannies lovingly made tuque, put on multiple layers of clothing, grabbed the tissue box, suitably medicated himself and proceeded to plunk himself in the living room recliner to "ride out the flu storm".  In and out of drug induced comas he hacked, wheezed and snored his way to recovery.  ALL within full viewing range.
Men and women are completely different.  There is a reason we are the ones who give birth.  Those who know me, know that I am not a sympathetic person when it comes to illnesses.  I rarely get sick, have a high pain threshold (unless I get a broken arm during hockey season......a story for a later entry) and rarely take medication when I am ill.  Meld that with a polar opposite husband and well......let's just say that this time, it's best that I am away for 3 days.

The man cold has come to town......and thankfully.....I am leaving it.


The "Evolution" of Language

Last night we had a very late & long drive back home from visiting the family.  Many deer were avoided, my senses on high alert, trying to get everyone home safe and sound.  No more than 5 minutes to go, we approach the final bridge before getting home.  Look, I say to the hubby, I think it's a wolf on the bridge! (Feeling pretty stoked about this as I had just seen my first wolf not even a week ago!)  Wait!!  It's a cougar!!  (This is doubly exciting!!)  It was walking right in front of the car, taking it's time......truly magnificent!! Side note:  The camera that WAS behind my seat on the ride down.......was now in the trunk next to the pot of chili we had for supper!  Frustrating!! (Instead see grainy cellphone pic below)

So, we get home and I immediately post on facebook that the long drive was worth it because I saw a cougar on the bridge!  :-)

I wake up this morning, only to find my post with comments such as:
"How old was she?"
"This made me laugh so hard!"
"Was she wearing fishnets?"

This is how our language has "evolved". Once a word meant to describe a magnificent & powerful feline predator, is now reduced to a word that describes a used up older women on the prowl for younger men.

Sigh.......this is the "evolution" of language??


Sunday, 22 May 2011

Speak no Americano - Part 2

I am wondering if we are even on the same planet....let alone the same country and speaking a familiar language.  Enter "the daughter's boyfriend".

It's May long and we travel to see the kids and grandkids.  We all enjoy a lovely dinner and half of the "fam" decides to head off to the Monster truck races.  The daughter, boyfriend and I stay behind to watch the baby.  Knowing that at the end of the evening a long car ride home awaits me, I decide to head out with my daughter to grab a Starbucks. Can you stay and watch the baby, we say?  Sure says the boyfriend....and off we go.

Not long afterward we arrive home, lattes in hand.  Chatting away we enter the unlocked front door, walk through to the kitchen to see an open back door.  (Now before you start freaking out, I must print a disclaimer that they live in a smaller safe community.)

Where's the boyfriend.....the dogs?  Oh my gosh.....he's gone to walk the dogs, my daughter exclaims!!

And the baby.....asleep upstairs, oblivious to the neglect......but and sound.

We really must speak a different language......


Saturday, 21 May 2011

Take out Anyone?

What began as a random act of kindness......not random really (will get to the details later).........has turned into something of a request for take out.

I have an alcoholic neighbour (referred to from here on as "N"). His self imposed circumstances find him in a state that is less than desirable.  Once a fit man, hiking to and fro with ankle weights and a divers belt on, he now spends most of his time indoors in his favorite chair.  He has a pension for old movies and no underwear.

On a particularly bad day I went to check on him. His back was to me as I shouted "Hey doing all right??"  No reply.  So, I made my way to the living room, peered around the chair and Gah!  Balls to the breeze!  I mean, I couldn't even bring myself to see if he was breathing.  What do I do now, I think?  If I go round to the front of the house, peer in the window (making sure the sill conceals the family jewels) maybe I might be able to see if he's still alive.  Or.....maybe he will wake up, see me there and think I am a perv at the window trying to get a better look!  Bad idea!  Well, I think.....I will let some time pass, check him when he's sobered up......if he's dead, he's dead.....taking a closer look won't bring him back.  I can return armed with a blanket to throw on top of him.

A few hours later, a more sober N responds to my calls.  I chastise him for drinking "the hard stuff" and make him promise to stick to beer.  If he does that I will make sure he has dinner for the next little while (the only meals he has been eating, I was recently informed).

Due to circumstances the last couple of days, I was not able to bring N any dinner.  I go to visit today to say hello and have a chat.  His request......."You think you could bring me over some of that lovely green salad you made me they other day.  I am having a bit of a craving for greens".

My "random" act of kindness has become take out.......


The Sound of Silence??

I am getting old.  I don't feel it, but I hear it in my head with little catch phrases........"Young people!"  Yikes.....I am my mother!

But really, we are in a different era.  There have been so many technological advances......or so they are called.  Are they?

Don't get me wrong, I love my IPod.  I still marvel at the fact that it has more memory in something I can hold in my hand than my first computer did.  Amazing!  But here is the downside. 

There is an entire generation that doesn't know what it is like to hear......nothing.  To listen to the wind blow, a cricket chirp, the birds sing......their own children.  I see young mothers walking their kids, either on the cellphone or with earphones in their ears listening to music. Children are babbling away without a single response of the parent. Memories are missed, messages are are not important. 

Then there is the safety issue.  In the interior of BC an African exchange student walks to the mailbox to get his mail with his IPod on.  Above him a helicopter malfunctions and crashes right on top of him!  Tragic I know, but I will admit to you I laughed.  Now, some may argue that when your time is up, it's up and for this young man that motto may seem appropriate (coming from Africa only to be killed by a helicopter that you were not flying in). But I would argue the opposite.  Have you every heard a helicopter?? Let alone one that is in distress and falling from the sky (watch "Destryoed in Seconds")?  I blame the IPod.

If we don't turn off our electronic devices, we will forget how to contemplate.  We need to stop and assess our lives every once in a while and see if there is anything that needs changing.  To do that effectively, we don't need to have Lady Gaga blaring in our ears that we were "Born This Way"!

We need to listen to the sound of silence.


Friday, 20 May 2011

Aliens & Other Life Forms


One minute you have lovely, delightful children given to public displays of affection (hereby referred to PDA) and the next minute......abducted by aliens!

Let me give you an example: 
Mother: Hey, did you hear that Tiesto is playing?  I was wondering if you want to go to that concert.
Child: Tiesto! Yes!!  That would be so cool!
Mother:  Sweet, I'll get us some tickets!
Child/Alien: Us???  You are going with me???
Mother:  Well, if I am paying for the tickets I would expect to go with you!
Alien: Tell you what, you only need to buy one ticket and you can wait outside for will save you money.
Mother:  What!!??  Are you kidding me??  What do you think I am going to do??  Embarrass you??
Alien:  Hmmmmmrrrrrrrmmm (insert Alien audio tones here)
Mother:  Never mind....bad idea all around.

Fast forward to a trip to Subway.  Waiting in line, music is playing.......must have been grooving to the tunes just a bit, when to my right I hear, "No Mom, No!" 

Aliens have abducted my child.


A Snowflake By Any Other Name

Before I continue with any more blogs I think I need to clarify what it is I am talking about when I refer to my "snowflake" friend.

One day I was listening to someone describe looking out the window, watching the snow drift to the ground and likened it to mankind, linking arms and creating a blanket for the earth (of course her description went on quite a bit longer than that, but you get the gist).  I though to myself, Gah!  I do not even relate to that....not one bit!  When I look out the window and see snow falling I's bloody cold out there.  So much so that it's snowing and now I have to deal with drivers who don't know how to maneuver their vehicles in the snow!

I proceed to tell my good friend about this analogy and she says, Gah! I don't even relate to that!  To which I reply, "Neither do I, that's why you are MY kind of snowflake!"

.......and a lifetime of mocking those types of snowflakes was born.


Speak no Americano

Do we even speak the same language??  We meaning "he & I"....the significant other....the spouse.

How is it that an entire conversation can ensue only to be followed by: "When do we go to your parents?" (Or insert any other detail of events to occur here)  Hello??  Did I not just say when?? Yesterday, the day before....last week......multiple times (each time you asked for clarification in fact)!

Now...asked what engine was worked on in 1988, what hockey stat from 1967, or any random obscure factoid and BAM!  The info is there before the next heartbeat.  It's mystifying to me.....mind boggling!

Take Christmas (any gift giving day really).  Wow, this is an amazing blender honey (to my snowflake friend who likes this kind of a present, skip to next paragraph).  Where did you come up with this idea??  "I always have such a hard time knowing what you want", he says.  "Choosing a gift is so hard"!  Fast forward to HIS present opening.......Wow, how did you know I wanted this??  Are you kidding me???  I LISTEN!  All year in fact......only to pounce on the perfect purchase in time for the holidays, birthdays, father's day, etc.  It's a gift.....that only women seem to have.  (At least that's my experience as I have been married twice and could have written this many years ago).

We are lonely without them & we are driven mad with them.  We speak a different language and thankfully...... murder is a criminal offense.


Thursday, 19 May 2011

A Bug's Life

I'd like to be a bird, not not a bug.  Birds soar, they hunt....they are just amazingly cool.

Bugs....they are windshield fodder.  Not aerodynamically sleek enough to avoid my motorcycle visor.....stupid actually.  With one fell birds do that....with one tremendous splat....their life has ended.  But I suppose if your lifespan is only 24-48 hours, it's the way to go.  The kamikaze of the bug world........neeeeeaaaaarrrrr (insert WW2 plane noises here) SPLAT!   Done!

OK, so it's obvious the weather was spectacular enough to go on a motorbike ride......and warm enough to solicit the insects arrival......but still.  Each and every time a hit occurs, I are a deserve to die!

And for the record......if I was a bird I would utilize ALL of the sky that God gave me....ALL of it......wouldn't even tempt fate by flying across the path of a speeding car (which I am convinced is a bird gang initiation rite)......if all that sky is there, use it.....just saying!


Popping of the blog cherry

Well, here it is.  My first every blog!  Funny, when I typed the title I wrote, "pooping of the blog cherry"!  Then laughed hysterically at myself and thought of a good kind of snowflake.....that would actually appreciate the typo.  God bless those kinds of friends!

Who blogs?  I suppose I now do.  People who like to read things about themselves that they have written??  Some journal.  I have always wanted to.  Was gifted with a beautiful leather bound journal that sadly is still in my nightstand drawer.  So, consider this attempt #2 at "journaling".

You will find no "founts of wisdom" here.  Only random musings that come to my head and that I choose to write/vent/articulate in the blog.  I am fairly certain there is one person out there that will find some of them mildly entertaining. :-)

The real question though.........will I keep it up??  ( adolescent mind finds humor)

Till next time.......
